Stakeholder Survey Report

Anusas, Louise (2012) Stakeholder Survey Report. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

[thumbnail of Anusas-2012-Stakeholder-survey-report]
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The Stakeholder Survey initiated CELCIS’ stakeholder engagement work since its establishment in September 2011. The survey aimed to enable stakeholders’ views to inform and direct the work of CELCIS. The survey focused on CELCIS’ six priority areas of work:  Corporate Parenting  Family and Community Support  Permanence, Stability and Transitions  Diversity and Disability  Advocacy and Human Rights  Leadership and Management The survey aimed to identify stakeholders’ involvement in the priority areas, gaps in delivery and how well the priority areas meet the needs of children and young people. CELCIS will be establishing seven Themed Advisory Groups over time to take forward the priority areas. The survey provided an opportunity to identify stakeholder interest in becoming involved in the groups.