Streaming instabilities in converging geometry

Inigo Gamiz, Lucas I. and Ersfeld, Bernhard and Yoffe, Samuel R. and Cairns, R. Alan and Jaroszynski, Dino A.; Jaroszynski, Dino A. and Hur, MinSup, eds. (2019) Streaming instabilities in converging geometry. In: Relativistic Plasma Waves and Particle Beams as Coherent and Incoherent Radiation Sources III - Proceedings. SPIE, CZE. ISBN 9781510627383 (

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We present an investigation into counter-streaming electron beams converging towards, and diverging from, a single point in two dimensions, leading to two-stream and current filamentation instabilities, which have radial and azimuthal density modulations, respectively. Using a semi-analytical approach and numerical simulations, we find no evidence for the two-stream instability in this geometry, but show that the system is unstable to the development of current filamentation.