Sub-femtosecond electron sheets from a Laguerre-Gaussian laser interaction with micro-droplets

Hu, Li-Xiang and Yu, Tong-Pu and McKenna, Paul and Shao, Fu-Qiu; (2018) Sub-femtosecond electron sheets from a Laguerre-Gaussian laser interaction with micro-droplets. In: 2018 International Conference Laser Optics (ICLO). IEEE, RUS, p. 251. ISBN 9781538636114 (

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An all-optical scheme for generation and acceleration of relativistic electron sheets is proposed. When an intense Laguerre-Gaussian (LG) laser pulse sweeps microdroplets, annular sub-femtosecond electron bunches with one laser wavelength spacing are dragged out by the radial component of laser electric fields, and then efficiently accelerated by the longitudinal electric fields. Once fleeing from the droplet, these bunches are squeezed into dense sheets and trapped by the potential well of the transverse ponderomotive force, which can stably propagate for several hundred femtoseconds and are potential for applications in short x/γ-ray radiation sources.


Hu, Li-Xiang, Yu, Tong-Pu, McKenna, Paul ORCID logoORCID: and Shao, Fu-Qiu;