Assessment of interoperability in multi-vendor VSC-HVDC systems : interim results of the Best Paths DEMO #2
Despouys, O. and Rault, P. and Burgos, A. and Vozikis, D. and Guillaud, X. and Larsson, T.; (2018) Assessment of interoperability in multi-vendor VSC-HVDC systems : interim results of the Best Paths DEMO #2. In: 2018 CIGRE Session. CIGRE, FRA.
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This paper describes the methodology and interim results from the ongoing European project Best Paths DEMO #2, which is the first attempt to undertake systematic investigation on interoperability in multi-vendor VSC-HVDC systems. The study is based on state-of-the-art technologies provided by three world-class HVDC vendors and involves TSOs and academics for investigations covering various HVDC layouts, from point-to-point to radial and meshed multi-terminal structures. The paper describes the methodology used to assess and maximize interoperability, which comprises two stages: the first one relies on electromagnetic transient (EMT) simulation tools, while the second and ongoing one relies on real-time simulation with actual control cubicles provided by HVDC vendors. The paper mainly reports on the different tasks which were carried out during the first stage (EMT simulations) and exhibits the results observed. The main tasks and results are listed as follows: - Commonly agreed definition of interoperability - Definition of common converter specifications for all involved HVDC vendors, based on the ENTSO-E Network Code for realism and replicability - Definition of 5 different DC systems (including DC grids) on which interoperability should be assessed - Provision of detailed vendor-specific EMT converter models, and their individual validation - Assessment of interoperability on more than 1.000 realistic scenarios, from which 15% are representative of actual interoperability issues between the vendors - First set of recommendations to maximize interoperability Finally, the paper provides insights on the second and ongoing stage of the project based on real-time simulation using actual vendor control cubicles for deeper investigations.
Despouys, O., Rault, P., Burgos, A., Vozikis, D.
Item type: Book Section ID code: 65492 Dates: DateEvent26 August 2018Published3 July 2018AcceptedSubjects: Technology > Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering Department: Faculty of Engineering > Electronic and Electrical Engineering Depositing user: Pure Administrator Date deposited: 19 Sep 2018 14:01 Last modified: 12 Mar 2025 04:49 Related URLs: URI: