Key innovations & research required for floating offshore wind turbines major repairs

Ugwu, Jude and McMillan, David and McDonald, Alasdair (2018) Key innovations & research required for floating offshore wind turbines major repairs. In: WindEurope Conference & Exhibition 2018, 2018-09-25 - 2018-09-28.

[thumbnail of Ugwu-etal-WindEurope2018-Key-innovations-&-research-required-for-floating-offshore]
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There is no significant body of knowledge around floating offshore wind turbine major repair due to the novelty of floating offshore wind technology. Major repair concepts currently applied to floating offshore wind turbines are adapted from fixed bottom offshore wind turbines, oil and gas installations, and marine industries such as ship building. This cross industry application approach to major repair leaves significant gaps that need to be addressed on floating offshore wind turbines due to the unique nature of floating offshore wind turbines. A research study which forms part of a PhD research was conducted to understand the key issues around major repair on floating offshore wind turbines. This research was carried out by interviewing a cross section of industry experts.