Tuning the photon statistics of a strongly coupled nanophotonic system

Dory, Constantin and Fischer, Kevin A. and Müller, Kai and Lagoudakis, Konstantinos G. and Sarmiento, Tomas and Rundquist, Armand and Zhang, Jingyuan L. and Kelaita, Yousif and Sapra, Neil V. and Vučković, Jelena (2017) Tuning the photon statistics of a strongly coupled nanophotonic system. Physical Review A, 95 (2). 023804. ISSN 2469-9934 (https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.95.023804)

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We investigate the dynamics of single- and multiphoton emission from detuned strongly coupled systems based on the quantum-dot–photonic-crystal resonator platform. Transmitting light through such systems can generate a range of nonclassical states of light with tunable photon counting statistics due to the nonlinear ladder of hybridized light-matter states. By controlling the detuning between emitter and resonator, the transmission can be tuned to strongly enhance either single- or two-photon emission processes. Despite the strongly dissipative nature of these systems, we find that by utilizing a self-homodyne interference technique combined with frequency filtering we are able to find a strong two-photon component of the emission in the multiphoton regime. In order to explain our correlation measurements, we propose rate equation models that capture the dominant processes of emission in both the single- and multiphoton regimes. These models are then supported by quantum-optical simulations that fully capture the frequency filtering of emission from our solid-state system.