Generation of variable polarisation in a short wavelength FEL amplifier

Campbell, L.T. and Faatz, B. and McNeil, B. W. J.; Cutic, Nino and Liljeby, Leif and Meseck, Atoosa and Nyberg, Annika and Schaa, Volker and Thorin, Sara and Werin, Sverker, eds. (2010) Generation of variable polarisation in a short wavelength FEL amplifier. In: FEL 2010. JACoW, SWE, pp. 622-625. ISBN 9781632664891 (

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So far, short wave­length Free Elec­tron Laser am­pli­fiers have pro­duced lin­ear­ly po­larised ra­di­a­tion. For sev­er­al im­por­tant class­es of ex­per­i­ment, vari­able po­lar­i­sa­tion is re­quired. For ex­am­ple, in the wave­length range from 1.5 to 2.5 nm, light po­lar­i­sa­tion is im­por­tant in char­ac­ter­is­ing mag­net­ic ma­te­ri­als where mea­sure­ments de­pend crit­i­cal­ly upon the hand­ed­ness of the po­lar­i­sa­tion. It is there­fore im­por­tant that the po­lar­i­sa­tion does not fluc­tu­ate be­tween mea­sure­ments. In this paper, we study pos­si­ble meth­ods to gen­er­ate vari­ably po­larised light and con­sid­er its shot-to-shot sta­bil­i­ty.


Campbell, L.T. ORCID logoORCID:, Faatz, B. and McNeil, B. W. J. ORCID logoORCID:; Cutic, Nino, Liljeby, Leif, Meseck, Atoosa, Nyberg, Annika, Schaa, Volker, Thorin, Sara and Werin, Sverker