Scottish Medicines Consortium Evaluation Programme December 2012
Bennie, Marion and Corcoran, Emma Dunlop and Dear, James W. and Hems, Sharon and McTaggart, S. and Newham, Rosemary and Norris, Vicky and Waugh, Craig (2012) Scottish Medicines Consortium Evaluation Programme December 2012. University of Strathclyde. (Unpublished)
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The Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC) provides advice to the National Health Service (NHS) in Scotland about the comparative clinical and cost-effectiveness of all newly licensed medicines, new formulations of existing medicines and new indications for established products. SMC advice is conveyed to prescribers th rough the Detailed Advice Document (DAD), which is available on the SMC website and is disseminated to Area Drug and Therapeutics Committees (ADTCs) across Scotland. Since 2005, SMC has also provided a horizon scanning function and, through the Forward Look report, provides early intelligence to NHS Scotland on new medicines in development.
Bennie, Marion

Item type: Report ID code: 55442 Dates: DateEvent2012PublishedSubjects: Medicine > Pharmacy and materia medica Department: Faculty of Science > Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences Depositing user: Pure Administrator Date deposited: 03 Feb 2016 13:37 Last modified: 11 Nov 2024 15:45 URI: