Corrigendum to "Performance of photovoltaic arrays in-vivo and characteristics of prosthetic vision in animals with retinal degeneration" [Vision Res. 111(Part B) (2015) 142-148]

Lorach, Henri and Goetz, Georges and Mandel, Yossi and Lei, Xin and Galambos, Ludwig and Kamins, Theodore I. and Mathieson, Keith and Huie, Philip and Dalal, Roopa and Harris, James S. and Palanker, Daniel (2015) Corrigendum to "Performance of photovoltaic arrays in-vivo and characteristics of prosthetic vision in animals with retinal degeneration" [Vision Res. 111(Part B) (2015) 142-148]. Vision Research, 117. p. 137. ISSN 0042-6989 (

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