The Scottish economy [November 1987]
Ashcroft, Brian and Love, Jim and Boyle, Stephen and Draper, Paul and Harrigan, Frank and Jenkins, Iain and Lockyer, Cliff and McGregor, Peter and McNicolI, Iain and Pearlman, Mike and Simpson, David and Stevens, Jim (1987) The Scottish economy [November 1987]. Quarterly Economic Commentary, 13 (2). pp. 19-67. ISSN 2046-5378
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Between them, the Scottish Chambers' Business Survey (SCBS) and the CBI's Industrial Trends Survey provide a reasonable guide to recent and current trends in the Scottish economy. Both Surveys are carried out on a quarterly basis with the results being derived from the responses of Chambers of Commerce and CBI members respectively. In addition to eliciting information from different sources the Surveys also differ to a degree in the questions while each asks and the analysis of the replies. For example, the CBI provides information on trends by size of firm which the SCBS presents a geographical breakdown. However, the key difference is in the industrial coverage of the Surveys. Whereas the SCBS covers firms in construction, wholesaling, retailing, financial institutions and manufacturing, the CBI Survey covers only the last of these.
Ashcroft, Brian, Love, Jim, Boyle, Stephen, Draper, Paul, Harrigan, Frank, Jenkins, Iain, Lockyer, Cliff, McGregor, Peter

Item type: Article ID code: 53216 Dates: DateEvent1 November 1987PublishedSubjects: Social Sciences > Economic History and Conditions Department: Strathclyde Business School > Economics
Strathclyde Business School > Fraser of Allander InstituteDepositing user: Pure Administrator Date deposited: 03 Jun 2015 10:18 Last modified: 12 Feb 2025 01:48 Related URLs: URI: