Characterization of MOVPE-grown GaInNAs quantum well with multi-barriers by Z-contrast imaging and SIMS
Kim, K.S. and Kim, T. and Park, Y.J. and Baek, S.I. and Kim, Y.W. and Sun, H.D. and Dawson, M.D. (2006) Characterization of MOVPE-grown GaInNAs quantum well with multi-barriers by Z-contrast imaging and SIMS. Journal of Crystal Growth, 287 (2). pp. 620-624. ISSN 0022-0248 (
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Structural and optical properties of MOVPE-grown GaInNAs quantum wells (QW) with multiple barriers (InGaAs/GaNAs) have been investigated. Significant improvement of optical performance in the 1.3 μm range is demonstrated with the proposed structure. PLE studies show that the density of N-related localized states can be reduced by the introduction of a thin InGaAs layer due to the improved interface quality. Based on the structural analysis, it is concluded that the InGaAs layer supports the nitrogen redistribution within the QW, resulting in a sharp interface. The blue-shift trend of the GaInNAs QW as a function of the GaNAs thickness can be explained by the reduction of the N content in the GaInNAs QW.
Kim, K.S., Kim, T., Park, Y.J., Baek, S.I., Kim, Y.W., Sun, H.D. and Dawson, M.D.
Item type: Article ID code: 5270 Dates: DateEvent2006PublishedSubjects: Science > Physics > Optics. Light Department: Faculty of Science > Physics > Institute of Photonics Depositing user: Strathprints Administrator Date deposited: 31 Jan 2008 Last modified: 29 Jan 2025 23:28 URI: