Business Economics
Perman, Roger and Scouller, John (1999) Business Economics. OUP Oxford, Oxford. ISBN 9780198775249
Full text not available in this repository.Abstract
This book is an introduction to the economic analysis of the market system, business organization, and business policy. It is conceived as a course text for business students who need a solid but not excessively theoretical introduction to economic principles and processes along with an introduction to more advanced business policy/strategy material such as competitive advantage and the resourcebased theory of the firm. It is useful to begin by explaining the way the text is structured. There are four parts to the book, corresponding to particular broad areas within business economics. These are: Part I: The Search for Value, Markets, Consumers, and Firms; Part II: The Search for Value, Prices, Profits, and the Firm's Competitive Environment; Part III: The Search for Value, Value Creation, the Scope of the Firm and its Governance; Part IV: The Search for Value and the Wider Environment of the Firm. You may be intending to study all these sections, or just a subset of them. We describe below under 'Study Modes' a number of alternative permutations of these sections for the reader who is tightly constrained by time, and wishes to focus his or her studies in particular areas. The first part, which incorporates Chapters 1 to 5, has the following objectives: • it defines and explains some fundamental tools of economic analysis; • it considers the objectives of those engaged in economic activity: that is, individuals as consumers, individuals as suppliers of resources, and individuals as members of firms; • it analyses the determinants and characteristics of the individual's (and the market) demand for a product; • it analyses the determinants and characteristics of the firm's (and the market) supply of a product; • it analyses the way in which market demand and supply interact in the process of market exchange. In many ways, this section is the most 'conventional' part of the book. However, we often treat conventional questions in relatively unconventional ways. Fundamental to the text is the principle that the fundamental purpose of all economic activity is value creation. Value creation is much written about in business policy, but often without any clear notion of what constitutes value. We establish a precise meaning for this concept right from the beginning, showingboth how it is grounded in the standard economic notion of scarcity, but more importantly, also showing what it means for any one firm. This emphasis on value allows us to define economic mechanisms in a particularlyuseful way. An economic mechanism is a set of institutions and processes by which choices are made. We can assess alternative types of economic mechanism in terms of the extent to which they facilitate the generation of value. Specialization and exchange turn out to be important because they are mechanisms which can contribute strongly to value creation. For any business, it is not value generation as such but the generation and appropriation of added value which really matters. We explain how added value can be measured at the firm level, and begin to examine how added value can be achieved. As the dominant economic mechanism at the present time is the market economy, it is essential to begin with an examination of market behaviour. Supply and demand analysis is a principal tool in the economist's toolbox, allowing us to understand the determination of price and the quantity traded in a market, and to see how markets adjust when any of the underlying conditions of supply or demand alters. For the manager developing business strategy, supply and demand (or market) analysis will help to understand the environment in which the firm is operating, and to comprehend the changes that are taking place in that business environment.
Perman, Roger
Item type: Book ID code: 47958 Dates: DateEvent1999PublishedSubjects: Social Sciences > Economic Theory
Social Sciences > CommerceDepartment: Strathclyde Business School > Economics Depositing user: Pure Administrator Date deposited: 09 May 2014 09:22 Last modified: 11 Nov 2024 15:44 Related URLs: URI: