Relativistic x-ray quantum free-electron lasers : a collective Klein–Gordon model
Eliasson, Bengt and Shukla, Padma (2012) Relativistic x-ray quantum free-electron lasers : a collective Klein–Gordon model. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 54 (12). 124011. ISSN 0741-3335 (
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We present a quantum-relativistic model for the nonlinear interaction between large-amplitude electromagnetic (EM) waves and a quantum plasma. The model is based on a collective Klein–Gordon equation for the relativistic electrons, which is coupled with the Maxwell equations for the EM and electrostatic fields. The model is used to derive a nonlinear dispersion relation for the EM scattering instabilities in a relativistic quantum plasma. With application to the quantum free-electron laser (FEL), a relativistic electron beam is passing through an intense EM wave used as a wiggler to produce coherent tunable radiation. The frequency upshift of the radiation is tuned by the energy of the electron beam. The nonlinear dispersion relation reveals the importance of quantum recoil effects and oblique scattering of the radiation on the gain of the quantum FEL.
Eliasson, Bengt
Item type: Article ID code: 44759 Dates: DateEventDecember 2012PublishedSubjects: Science > Physics Department: Faculty of Science > Physics Depositing user: Pure Administrator Date deposited: 10 Sep 2013 15:32 Last modified: 31 Jan 2025 19:52 Related URLs: URI: