Narrow-line coherently combined tapered laser diodes in a Talbot external cavity with a volume Bragg grating

Paboeuf, David and Lucas-Leclin, Gaëlle and Georges, Patrick and Michel, Nicolas and Krakowski, Michel and Lim, Jun and Sujecki, Slawomir and Larkins, Eric (2008) Narrow-line coherently combined tapered laser diodes in a Talbot external cavity with a volume Bragg grating. Applied Physics Letters, 93 (21). 211102. ISSN 0003-6951 (

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We present the phase locking of an array of index-guided tapered laser diodes. An external cavity based on the self-imaging Talbot effect has been built. A volume Bragg grating is used as the output coupler to stabilize and narrow the spectrum at 976 nm. A power of 1.7 W is achieved in the in-phase single main lobe mode with a high visibility. We have checked that each emitter is locked to the Bragg wavelength with a 100 pm spectrum linewidth. The experimental results compare well with numerical simulations performed with two-dimensional wide-angle finite difference beam propagation method.