Basic concepts in plasma accelerators
Bingham, Robert (2006) Basic concepts in plasma accelerators. Philosophical Transactions A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 364 (1840). pp. 559-575. ISSN 1471-2962 (
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In this article, we present the underlying physics and the present status of high gradient and high-energy plasma accelerators. With the development of compact short pulse high-brightness lasers and electron and positron beams, new areas of studies for laser/particle beam?matter interactions is opening up. A number of methods are being pursued vigorously to achieve ultra-high-acceleration gradients. These include the plasma beat wave accelerator (PBWA) mechanism which uses conventional long pulse (?100ps) modest intensity lasers (I?1014?1016Wcm?2), the laser wakefield accelerator (LWFA) which uses the new breed of compact high-brightness lasers (<1ps) and intensities >1018Wcm?2, self-modulated laser wakefield accelerator (SMLWFA) concept which combines elements of stimulated Raman forward scattering (SRFS) and electron acceleration by nonlinear plasma waves excited by relativistic electron and positron bunches the plasma wakefield accelerator. In the ultra-high intensity regime, laser/particle beam?plasma interactions are highly nonlinear and relativistic, leading to new phenomenon such as the plasma wakefield excitation for particle acceleration, relativistic self-focusing and guiding of laser beams, high-harmonic generation, acceleration of electrons, positrons, protons and photons. Fields greater than 1GVcm?1 have been generated with monoenergetic particle beams accelerated to about 100MeV in millimetre distances recorded. Plasma wakefields driven by both electron and positron beams at the Stanford linear accelerator centre (SLAC) facility have accelerated the tail of the beams.
Bingham, Robert
Item type: Article ID code: 3012 Dates: DateEvent2006PublishedSubjects: Science > Physics > Plasma physics. Ionized gases Department: Faculty of Science > Physics Depositing user: Mr Derek Boyle Date deposited: 13 Mar 2007 Last modified: 29 Jan 2025 20:15 URI: