Saturated absorption spectroscopy of calcium in a hollow-cathode lamp
Dammalapati, U. and Norris, I. and Riis, E., UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) (Funder) (2009) Saturated absorption spectroscopy of calcium in a hollow-cathode lamp. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 42 (16). 165001. ISSN 0953-4075 (
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We report on a technique for obtaining dispersive saturated absorption features by two pump beams derived from an acousto-optic modulator. One of the beams is frequency shifted by the modulator allowing for a variable frequency offset of the resulting signal. They are used to saturate the atomic transition in the low-density vapour of the lamp. The sensitivity of the technique is sufficient to observe clear signals from isotopes of calcium unresolved by the inhomogeneous broadening and with natural abundances of less than 0.2%. The technique is used for offset locking the frequency of a Ti:Sapphire laser used for laser cooling and trapping of calcium.
Dammalapati, U., Norris, I. and Riis, E.
Item type: Article ID code: 19031 Dates: DateEvent28 August 2009PublishedSubjects: Science > Physics Department: Faculty of Science > Physics Depositing user: Strathprints Administrator Date deposited: 26 May 2010 09:10 Last modified: 30 Jan 2025 18:32 URI: