Balance of payments constrained growth - a rejoinder to Professor Thirlwall
McGregor, P.G. and Swales, J.K. (1986) Balance of payments constrained growth - a rejoinder to Professor Thirlwall. Applied Economics, 18 (12). pp. 1265-1274. ISSN 0003-6846 (
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Professor Thirlwall has argued that the growth rate of a country is constrained by the requirement that the external current account must broadly balance. He maintains that a country's growth can be analysed using a dynamic Harrod trade multiplier, and that a country's long-run growth rate (y) will approximate to the ratio of the rate of growth of exports (X) to the income elasticity of demand for imports (A): In a recent article in this journal (McGregor and Swales, 1985), doubts were expressed about the theoretical and empirical grounds on which Thirlwall makes these claims. In his reply, Thirlwall argues that such doubts are unfounded. He clarifies his theory on a number of points. He argues that his theory was subjected to inappropriate empirical tests. And whilst accepting that Equation 1 can be derived from a strict neoclassical model, he invites the reader to choose between the plausibility of the neoclassical story, as against the Keynesian alternative.
McGregor, P.G.
Item type: Article ID code: 18060 Dates: DateEventDecember 1986PublishedSubjects: Social Sciences > Economic Theory Department: Strathclyde Business School > Economics Depositing user: Strathprints Administrator Date deposited: 05 May 2010 12:36 Last modified: 04 Jan 2025 01:18 URI: