Multimedia content delivery using infostations

Bush, J.M. and Irvine, J. (2005) Multimedia content delivery using infostations. In: IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference 2005, 2005-09-25 - 2005-09-28. (

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Broadcast operators have a number of advantages when it comes to the delivery of high data rate, rich content services - existing delivery networks with very high coverage, large blocks of spectrum, and arrangements with both content providers and customers. However, what broadcasters lack is a means of getting their content to mobile users through terminals which can truly take advantage of this rich content, in terms of display and user interface. Proposals for a handheld version of DVB - DVB-H - have been made, but this requires new terminals and an upgraded network. The proposal examined in this paper is an Infostation system that is based upon a combination of DVB and Wi-Fi to allow the delivery of rich multi-media content to mobile terminals in local areas. Content is first transmitted over the DVB carousel to the Infostation and cached there. WiFi users can then access it when required.