Guardian Waiting Shelters in Malawi : An Essential but Neglected Part of The Health System

Panulo, Mindy and Lamb, Jennifer and Chidziwisano, Kondwani and Morse, Tracy (2022) Guardian Waiting Shelters in Malawi : An Essential but Neglected Part of The Health System. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

[thumbnail of Panulo-etal-Policy-Brief-2022-Guardian-Waiting-Shelters-in-Malawi-an-essential]
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Key findings & recommendations - GWS are integral to health care delivery in Malawi but are not effectively supported in current systems - Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH) and Infection & Prevention Control standards are inadequate at District GWS. These current conditions are a public health risk to GWS users and the wider community. - GWS must be formally recognised with a clear policy and an operational plan on who has overall responsibility, how they should be managed, the functions they should perform coupled with a long-term business and financial plan.