Dual-mode terahertz extended interaction oscillator driven by a pseudospark-sourced sheet electron beam

Xie, Jie and Yuan, Xue-Song and Zhang, Liang and Cross, Adrian W. and Yin, Hua-Bi and Chen, Qing-Yun and Yang, Tong-Bin and Xu, Xiao-Tao and Yan, Yang and Meng, Lin (2021) Dual-mode terahertz extended interaction oscillator driven by a pseudospark-sourced sheet electron beam. Journal of Electronic Science and Technology, 19 (3). 100093. ISSN 1674-862X (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnlest.2021.100093)

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A terahertz dual-mode extended interaction oscillator (EIO) driven by a pseudospark-sourced sheet electron beam (SEB) was presented. The major advantages of the newly developed circuit include 1) high-density SEB interacting with the TM 1 1 and TM 31 modes, respectively, and 2) high output power of over 1 kW at the sub- terahertz frequency range. Two different types of 2π modes and their output characteristics were studied, and the circuit was optimized to ensure efficient outputs of two standing-wave modes. The three-dimensional (3D) particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation predicts the maximum output power of 1.3 kW with the 3-dB bandwidth of ~0.5 GHz at 303 GHz when operating at the TM 11 mode, and 3.18 kW with the 3-dB bandwidth of ~0.85 GHz at 364 GHz when operating at the TM 31 mode.