Education and training needs, methods, and tools

Kotsampopoulos, P. and Jensen, T. V. and Babazadeh, D. and Strasser, T. I. and Rikos, E. and Nguyen, V. H. and Tran, Q. T. and Bhandia, R. and Guillo Sansano, E. and Heussen, K. and Narayan, A. and Nguyen, T. L. and Burt, G. M. and Hatziargyriou, N.; Strasser, Thomas I. and de Jong, Erik C. W. and Sosnina, Maria, eds. (2020) Education and training needs, methods, and tools. In: European Guide to Power System Testing. Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 113-128. ISBN 978-3-030-42274-5 (

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The importance of education and training in the domain of power and energy systems targeting the topics of cyber-physical energy systems/smart grids is discussed in this chapter. State-of-the art laboratory-based and simulation-based tools are presented, aiming to address the new educational needs.