Varietal classification of rice seeds using RGB and hyperspectral images
Fabiyi, Samson Damilola and Vu, Hai and Tachtatzis, Christos and Murray, Paul and Harle, David and Dao, Trung Kien and Andonovic, Ivan and Ren, Jinchang and Marshall, Stephen (2020) Varietal classification of rice seeds using RGB and hyperspectral images. IEEE Access, 8. pp. 22493-22505. ISSN 2169-3536 (
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Inspection of rice seeds is a crucial task for plant nurseries and farmers since it ensures seed quality when growing seedlings. Conventionally, this process is performed by expert inspectors who manually screen large samples of rice seeds to identify their species and assess the cleanness of the batch. In the quest to automate the screening process through machine vision, a variety of approaches utilise appearance-based features extracted from RGB images while others utilise the spectral information acquired using Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI) systems. Most of the literature on this topic benchmarks the performance of new discrimination models using only a small number of species. Hence, it is unclear whether or not model performance variance confirms the effectiveness of proposed algorithms and features, or if it can be simply attributed to the inter-class/intra-class variations of the dataset itself. In this paper, a novel method to automatically screen and classify rice seed samples is proposed using a combination of spatial and spectral features, extracted from high resolution RGB and hyperspectral images. The proposed system is evaluated using a large dataset of 8,640 rice seeds sampled from a variety of 90 different species. The dataset is made publicly available to facilitate robust comparison and benchmarking of other existing and newly proposed techniques going forward. The proposed algorithm is evaluated on this large dataset and the experimental results show the effectiveness of the algorithm to eliminate impure species by combining spatial features extracted from high spatial resolution images and spectral features from hyperspectral data cubes.
Fabiyi, Samson Damilola ORCID:, Vu, Hai, Tachtatzis, Christos ORCID:, Murray, Paul ORCID:, Harle, David ORCID:, Dao, Trung Kien, Andonovic, Ivan ORCID:, Ren, Jinchang ORCID: and Marshall, Stephen ORCID:;-
Item type: Article ID code: 71055 Dates: DateEvent27 January 2020Published27 January 2020Published Online30 December 2019AcceptedNotes: © 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting /republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. Subjects: Technology > Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering Department: Faculty of Engineering > Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Strategic Research Themes > Measurement Science and Enabling Technologies
Technology and Innovation Centre > Sensors and Asset ManagementDepositing user: Pure Administrator Date deposited: 09 Jan 2020 12:52 Last modified: 16 Sep 2024 03:15 Related URLs: URI: