Review of offshore cable reliability metrics

Warnock, John and McMillan, David and Pilgrim, James and Shenton, Sally (2017) Review of offshore cable reliability metrics. In: The 13th International Conference on AC and DC Power Transmission, 2017-02-14 - 2017-02-16, Midland Hotel.

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A review of published reliability data was undertaken in order to populate a database which is presented in this paper. This data focusses on a number of connection types including both AC and DC connections across a number of cable ratings and configurations. From this database it is confirmed that reliability figures currently being used across the literature generally conform to those currently being experienced in the offshore wind industry. However it is established that failure rates taken from some reports are not accurate as the technology and environments these are calculated from are typically different from those used in offshore wind farm connections. This information is collated and converted into reliability metrics in order for comparisons to be made.