Enhancement of digital PID controller performance for blood glucose level of diabetic patients using disparate tuning techniques

Sharma, Rohit and Mohanty, Sumit and Basu, Amlan (2017) Enhancement of digital PID controller performance for blood glucose level of diabetic patients using disparate tuning techniques. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10 (17). ISSN 0974-5645 (https://doi.org/10.17485/ijst/2017/v10i17/113112)

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Objectives: To design digital PID controller by using CHR-I and CHR-II tuning techniques, as it helps in finding out the tuning parameters of controllers for a specific system. Transformation of analog to digital PID controller using various transformation techniques like first order hold method, impulse-invariant mapping, Tustin approximation and zero-pole mapping equivalents and also the mathematical modeling of blood glucose level, such that a system injects the exact amount of insulin into the body of diabetic patient to maintain his/her glucose level to the normal range. Method/Statistical Analysis: The differential equation of the blood glucose level is formulated and then it is converted to three-dimensional Laplace equation using forward Laplace transform. Using the Laplace transform the differential equation of the blood glucose is converted into a s-domain equation. Then, using the s-domain equation as the equation of the system and the Tuning techniques, CHR-I and CHR-II, the tuning parameters (Kp, Ki and Kd) are acquired. Then, it is converted into digital, i.e. in z-domain, by applying disparate transformation techniques. Findings: On analyzing the acquired equation, it is depicted that on tuning the controller with CHR-I tuning technique the system exhibits zero overshoot which is most reliable and efficient for diabetic patient. Also, a considerable settling time of 6.3362 seconds is also achieved. Application/Improvement: Therefore, a system that can inject the exact amount of insulin into the patient's blood and bring the blood glucose level to the normal range, by automatically calculating the amount of insulin required, from the available status of blood glucose level, is being achieved.