The Scottish economy [February 1985]

Love, James and Basu, Dipak and Blackhall, John and Draper, Paul and Heeley, John and Jenkins, Iain and Lockyer, Cliff and Love, Jim and McGilvray, Jim and McGregor, Peter and McNicolI, Iain and McVey, Mike and O'Donnell, Noreen and Simpson, David and Stevens, Jim and Tait, Elizabeth and Walker, Jim (1985) The Scottish economy [February 1985]. Quarterly Economic Commentary, 10 (3). pp. 14-56. ISSN 2046-5378

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With the inauguration of the quarterly Scottish Business Survey (SBS) in September 1984 there are now two regular and up-to-date indicators of trends in the Scottish industrial sector. The combination of the new survey and the long-standing CBI Industrial Trends Survey provides a comprehensive assessment of trends in Scottish industry.