Progress on the analysis of polarised optical injection in 1550nm-VCSELs

Hurtado, Antonio and Schires, Kevin and Al-Seyab, Rihab and Khan, Nadir and Henning, Ian D. and Adams, Michael J.; Jaworski, Marek and Marciniak, Marian, eds. (2012) Progress on the analysis of polarised optical injection in 1550nm-VCSELs. In: 2012 14th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON). IEEE, GBR. ISBN 9781467322270 (

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We review our recent work analysing the polarisation effects in optically injected VCSELs operating at the important telecom wavelength of 1550 nm. We summarise our studies on the polarisation, time and temperature dependence of the nonlinear dynamics induced in these devices when subject to different types of polarised optical injection. In addition, we also discuss the potentials of VCSELs for the optical emulation of different neuronal behaviours offering prospects for novel uses of these devices in future neuromorphic systems and novel computing paradigms.