Biological screening of rain forest plot trees from Palawan Island (Philippines)
Horgen, F D and Edrada-Ebel, Ruangelie and de los Reyes, G and Agcaoili, F and Madulid, D A and Wongpanich, V and Angerhofer, C K and Pezzuto, J M and Soejarto, D D and Farnsworth, N R (2001) Biological screening of rain forest plot trees from Palawan Island (Philippines). Phytomedicine, 8 (1). pp. 71-81. ISSN 0944-7113 (
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Study plots totaling 0.2 Ha were established in primary forest in the highlands of central Palawan Island, Philippines. Samples of various anatomical parts [typically leaf + twig (If/tw), stem bark (sb), and root (rt)] were collected from all tree species represented within the plots by individuals having a diameter at breast height > or = 10 cm. In all, 211 distinct samples were obtained from 68 tree species, representing 35 families (not including samples from 4 indeterminate species). Methanol extracts of these samples were tested in in vitro antiplasmodial, brine shrimp toxicity, and cytotoxicity assays. The following samples showed an IC50 < or = 10 microg/mL against either chloroquine-sensitive or chloroquine-resistant clones of Plasmodium falciparum: Acronychia laurifolia (sb), Agathis celebica (lf/tw), Aglaia sp. 1 (sb), Aglaia sp. 2 (lf/tw, rt), Bhesa sp. 1 (rt), Cinnamomum griffithii (lf/tw), Croton leiophyllus (rt), Dysoxylum cauliflorum (rt), Garcinia macgregorii (sb), Lithocarpus sp. 1 (rt, sb), Meliosma pinnata ssp. macrophylla (lf/tw, rt), Myristica guatteriifolia (lf/tw), Ochrosia glomerata (rt, sb), Swintonia foxworthyi (lf/tw), Syzygium sp. 1 (rt), Turpinia pomifera (rt), and Xanthophyllum flavescens (sb). Secondly, those samples which displayed > or = 50% immobilization of brine shrimp at 100 microg/mL were: Acronychia laurifolia (lf/tw/fruit, rt, sb), Agathis celebica (lf/tw, sb), Aglaia sp. 1 (lf/tw), Alphonsea sp. 1 (rt), Ardisia iwahigensis (lf/tw), Arthrophyllum ahernianum (lf/tw, rt, sb), Castanopsis cf. evansii (rt), Cinnamomum griffithii (lf/tw, rt), Croton argyratus (lf/tw), C. leiophyllus (lf/tw, rt), Dysoxylum cauliflorum (fruit, lf/tw, rt), Euonymus javanicus (rt), Glochidion sp. 1 (rt), Polyosma sp. 1 (rt), Symplocos polyandra (rt), Timonius gammillii (sb), and Xanthophyllum flavescens (rt). Lastly, samples which exhibited an IC50 < or = 20 microg/mL against one or more of the cancer cell lines employed (LU1, KB, KB-V1, P-388, LNCaP, or ZR-75-1) include: Acronychia laurifolia (lf/tw/fruit, rt, sb), Aglaia sp. 1 (sb), Aglaia sp. 2 (rt), Alphonsea sp. 1 (rt), Ardisia iwahigensis (lf/tw, rt, sb), Astronia cumingiana (sb), Croton argyratus (lf/tw, rt, sb), C. leiophyllus (lf/tw, rt), Dimorphocalyx murina (lf/tw, rt, sb), Lithocarpus caudatifolius (rt, sb), Litsea cf. sibuyanensis (rt), Syzygium cf. attenuatum (rt, sb), S. confertum (sb), Ternstroemia gitingensis (rt), and Ternstroemia sp. 1 (rt, sb).
Horgen, F D, Edrada-Ebel, Ruangelie
Item type: Article ID code: 48495 Dates: DateEventJanuary 2001PublishedSubjects: Science > Microbiology
Medicine > Pharmacy and materia medica
Medicine > Therapeutics. PharmacologyDepartment: Faculty of Science > Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences Depositing user: Pure Administrator Date deposited: 11 Jun 2014 13:51 Last modified: 31 Jan 2025 23:40 URI: