Determining the effect of weather data upon building simulation in regulatory processes

Murphy, Gavin Bruce and Allison, John and Monari, Filippo (2013) Determining the effect of weather data upon building simulation in regulatory processes. In: 13th International Building Performance Simulation Association Conference, BS2013, 2013-08-25 - 2013-08-28, Aix-les-Bains.

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This paper extends a simplified dynamic method of building simulation: IDEAS – Inverse Dynamics based Energy Assessment and Simulation. IDEAS is a dynamic model which is calibrated to yield results in line with those produced by the UK Government’s steady state Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP), the method used in the UK to produce Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs). The extension presented investigates the effect upon energy estimation by varying climactic data, using CIBSE TRY/DRY weather data for 14 locations across the UK. A calibrated standard test case dwelling is initially modelled in IDEAS and SAP; then using each of the weather locations, the variation in energy estimation of this dwelling is analysed. Results suggest that use of localised weather data can have a noteworthy effect on energy estimation and regulatory processes.