Properties of Au/SiO2/a-Si:H solar cells with wet oxide

Gleskova, Helena and Skryshevsky, V. A. and Bullock, J. N. and Wagner, S. and Stuchlik, J. (1993) Properties of Au/SiO2/a-Si:H solar cells with wet oxide. Materials Letters, 16 (6). pp. 305-308. ISSN 0167-577X

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Results are presented of a study of Au/SiO2/a-Si:H MIS solar cells employing wet-chemical oxides. The tunnel oxide can improve or deteriorate the parameters of the solar cell, depending on the oxidation time and on the percentage of the H2O2/water solution during the oxidation. We use the difference in optical subgap absorption, determined by photothermal deflection spectroscopy and by the constant photocunent method, to follow the density of interface states Nss as a function of oxidation time. In all cases, Nss goes through a maximum as a function of time