Calendar based contextual information as an Internet content pre-caching tool

Komninos, A. and Dunlop, M.D.; Ingwersen, P. and Jarvelin, K. and Belkin, N., eds. (2005) Calendar based contextual information as an Internet content pre-caching tool. In: Proceedings of Second Workshop on Second Workshop on Information Retrieval in Context (IRiX) at SIGIR 2005. ACM Press, New York, NY., pp. 37-40.

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Motivated by the need to access internet content on mobile devices with expensive or non-existent network access, this paper discusses the possibility for contextual information extracted from electronic calendars to be used as sources for Internet content predictive retrieval (pre-caching). Our results show that calendar based contextual information is useful for this purpose and that calendar based information can produce web queries that are relevant to the users' task supportive information needs.