Baseline study of employability related activities in Scottish colleges

Scottish Funding Council (Funder); Finlay, Ian and Semple, Sheila and Kenesson, Summer and Nicholson, Anne and Duncan, Jess and Seagraves, Liz. (2006) Baseline study of employability related activities in Scottish colleges. Scottish Funding Council, Edinburgh.

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In October 2004, the Scottish Funding Council (SFC)'s predecessor bodies, theSFEFC and the SHEFC, publishedLearning to Work(SFC 2004), a discussion paperabout how Scotland's colleges and universities can help to enhance learners'employability. In subsequent dialogue with stakeholders, there was agreement thatemployability should be a specific focus for quality enhancement in the college sectorfrom 2006-07. As a basis for further development, the SFC commissioned this studyto provide information on the range of current activities and practices in Scotland'scolleges which contribute to enhancing employability.