Focussed palmtop information access combining starfield displays with profile-based recommendations

Dunlop, Mark and Morrison, Alison and McCallum, Stephen and Ptaskinski, Piotr and Risbey, Chris and Stewart, Fraser; Dunlop, M.D., ed. (2004) Focussed palmtop information access combining starfield displays with profile-based recommendations. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2954 . Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, pp. 352-355. ISBN 978-3-540-21003-0 (

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This paper presents two palmtop applications: Taeneb CityGuide and Taeneb ConferenceGuide. Both applications are centred around Starfield displays on palmtop computers - this provides fast, dynamic access to information on a small platform. The paper describes the applications focussing on this novel palmtop information access method and on the user-profiling aspect of the CityGuide, where restaurants are recommended to users based on both the match of restaurant type to the users observed previous interactions and the rating given by reviewers with similar observed preferences.