Developing writing through animation in primary 6

Thomson, J. (2009) Developing writing through animation in primary 6. In: Scottish Learning Festival, 2009-09-23 - 2009-09-24. (Unpublished) (

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Children of the 21st Century are socialised into a world of technology. Their practice outside school embeds technology such as computer games, the Internet, mobile phones, chat spaces, digital cameras, etc. This clearly motivates and engages them. We need to hook into these practices if we want children to stay engaged with the learning in the upper stages of primary school. This seminar will explore a project done by two teachers in East Dunbartonshire; James Friel from Auchenairn Primary and Alison Davies from Castlehill Primary. The concept of Digital Literacy was embraced and an animation project was implemented to help develop the children's story writing. Both teachers used storyboarding, mind maps and collaborative group work to make the animations. The topics explored were the Victorians and Citizenship. The teachers will present their work, share good practice and the animated film, then two children from each class will present their perceptions of writing stories through animation. Finally, Jane Thomson will examine how creativity and a more visual approach to writing were embedded in the children's practice.