Interactive student engagement using wireless handheld devices

Petropoulakis, L. and Flood, F. (2008) Interactive student engagement using wireless handheld devices. International Journal of Engineering Education, 24 (1). pp. 46-55. ISSN 0949-149X

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This paper presents an initial design of a pilot wireless Classroom Communication System (CCS) used for continuous and interactive engagement of students aiming at enhancing student critical thinking, extending attention span and enabling better student assessment. The system was designed mostly for engineering students and is intended to be used in lectures, tutorials or laboratories. The design should ultimately enable students to use, amongst other software, standard engineering packages such as MATLAB, PSpice, or Electronic WorkBench to construct designs, perform simulations and obtain answers to design problems using just wireless handheld pocket PCs. The system is based upon a CSCW system originally designed to be used anytime during lectures or tutorials and may involve the guidance and personal intervention of a lecturer or tutor. It is intended to support several modes and allows group or one-to-one personal tutoring. The system may also serve as a means of assessing individual student performance and in assisting lecturing staff with other tasks