Remembrance of referendums past : Scotland in the campaign

Higgins, Michael; Jackson, Daniel and Thorsen, Einar and Wring, Dominic, eds. (2016) Remembrance of referendums past : Scotland in the campaign. In: EU Referendum Analysis 2016. Centre for the Study of Journalism, Culture and Community (CSJCC), Bournemouth, pp. 24-25. ISBN 9781910042090 (

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The place of Scotland in the narrative of this election was assured as soon as the results became apparent, and the UK-wide vote to leave cast into stark contrast a Scottish vote of 62% in favour of Remain. With memories of the referendum for Scottish independence from two years earlier still fresh in the mind, early analyses raised the alienation of the Scottish electorate – even more than the Remain-supporting voters of London and Northern Ireland – and the implications this may have for the survival of the United Kingdom. Placing for now aside the now-likely second independence referendum, I want to explore the considerable influence the Scottish factor had over the campaign itself.